Friday, January 31, 2014

Getting It Right At The Source (Video)

In this video I talk about getting it right at the source. This is probably the most important concept to know when recording or mixing!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Importance of Pre Production (Video)

Today we talk about the importance of preproduction and spending time on songwriting and arranging.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A Great Mix Comes From A Great Song

Mixing is an amazing part in the process of creating music and it can literally transform a song. Through mixing we are able to add creativity and bring out the artists vision through the tools we use. We can move parts around and even rearrange a song. However, there is something mixing can't do.

Mixing cannot fix a bad song.

Actually, mixing really doesn't fix anything. It's meant to enhance. If you have ever tried to mix something that was recorded badly, it just doesn't work. There really isn't anything you can do. The same goes for a bad song. If a song just isn't good, no amount of mixing is going to make it good.

Monday, January 27, 2014

The Number One Rule When Starting a Business

Today I'm going to talk less about mixing and more about business. However, it is relevant and will help you in both aspects! I want to talk about the number rule you should follow if you plan on starting a business, or maybe just being a freelancer.

Are you ready?

Okay, here it is.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days: Day Ten - Be Creative

It is officially the last day of the 10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days series. This has been a lot of fun and it's been great to get to share helpful information with all of you engineers out there.

Today I want to talk about being creative. More specifically, I want to talk about being you.
I want to talk about how you can bring something to the table that no one else can. I want to talk about how you can better your mixes by just being creative.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days: Day Nine - Limiting Yourself

Hello and welcome to day nine of the 10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days series! This has been fun and there's only one more day left in the series. I'm sad, but it's okay.

Today we're going to talk about something super important! This is less of a mixing technique and more of a personal and psychological technique. I want to talk about limiting the amount of plugins you have as a mix engineer.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days: Day Eight - Subtractive EQ

Welcome to day eight of the 10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days series. Today we are going to talk about EQ. EQ is an amazing tool, and you need to know how to use it. But how do you know if should boost or subtract? Well, there are times to both.

Today we are going to look specifically at using subtractive EQ and how using subtractive EQ can help you get better mixes.

Let's get started.

Monday, January 20, 2014

10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days: Day Seven - High Pass Filter

Welcome to day seven of the 10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days series. Glad to have you! Today we're going to look at using high pass filters to get your mixes less muddy. High pass filters are by far one of my favorite tools when mixing, and I can't wait to share with you how much of a difference they can make in your mix.

Let's get started.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days: Day Six - LCR Panning

Welcome to day six of the 10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days series. I'm very excited to share today's tip because of how much it helped me when I first started out. Today I want to talk about LCR panning, and how it can help you create huge mixes and have the foundation of your song punching up the center.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

10 Mixing tips in 10 Days: Day Five - Parallel Compression

So far in the 10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days series we have looked at side chaining, slap back delay, automation, and reference mixing. Today we're going to look at a tool that will help you liven up tracks and add some power to your song. We're going to look at Parallel Compression.

Friday, January 17, 2014

10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days: Day Four - Reference Mixing

Today marks our fourth day into the mixing series 10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days. It's been insanely fun coming up with the mixing techniques and tips that I think are the most important and that have helped me the most when first starting out.

Today I want to talk about something that's less of a technique and more of just something you should be doing.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days: Day Three - Automation

We are officially three days into our 10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days series! Today we are going to look at using automation for processing effects and panning to help you add more dynamics and creativity to your song.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days: Day Two - Slap Back Delay

Yesterday we started our series 10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days. We looked at side chaining a kick into a compressor on a bass to help them sit together. Today we are going to switch gears and talk about some creative effects.

Without further adieu...

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days: Day One - The Side Chain

I wanted to do a nice and easy digestible series of posts that will help you get better mixes. So I decided to do 10 Mixing Tips in 10 Days. Every day on the blog we will look at a new tip that will help you either in the recording, mixing, or mastering area of making music.

So, with all that aside, let's get started!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

To Reverb Or Not To Reverb: That Is The Question

Reverb is probably one of the most widely used creative effects in the mixing process today. I love reverb. I use a lot. But sometimes it's difficult to tell if reverb should be used on a track or not. Will it help the track or will it just muddy up the mix? Let's look at some scenarios and maybe get a better idea of how and when we should be using reverb.

When NOT to Use Reverb

1. Bad Vocal Recording

So you've just recorded a lead vocal track and you're listening to it back in your mix, but something just doesn't seem right. The singer didn't really do the best take. Maybe it was lacking some energy or they were slightly flat at some parts. That's okay, once we slap some reverb on it, it will sound amazing! 


Monday, January 6, 2014

EQ Training Series Part 4: How To Use EQ To Create Balance

In the last part of our training series on EQ, I want to look at using EQ to create balance. Balance is one of the most important aspects of mixing, but surprisingly it is often looked over.

One goal as a mix engineer to create a balance in a song. What do I mean by balance? I mean that you want your instruments and your tricks to sit together and occupy their own spaces without fighting for attention. If you've ever mixed a song but you tried to push everything up front and center, you probably noticed how it had the opposite effect and nothing really stood out. This is because the tracks are all fighting for the same space and therefore you can't hear any of them clearly.

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