Monday, January 27, 2014

The Number One Rule When Starting a Business

Today I'm going to talk less about mixing and more about business. However, it is relevant and will help you in both aspects! I want to talk about the number rule you should follow if you plan on starting a business, or maybe just being a freelancer.

Are you ready?

Okay, here it is.

The Number One Rule When Starting a Business:


Seem too simple? It kind of is. In fact, it's ridiculously simple. Start. That's all there is to it. So how does this help you start a business? I'll explain. 

When you plan on starting a business or following a dream, fear gets in the way. Fear always gets in the way. I don't care how confident you are, you will have doubts and you will have fears. Fear will creep in and start telling you all sorts of things:

 You don't know how to run a business. You don't have enough experience.What if it fails? How are you going to find clients for your business? You aren't skilled enough. 

These thoughts, and probably more, will pop into your head when you decide to start something in life. And sadly, they cripple a lot of people and prevent them from following their dreams. You see, fear makes you believe that you need to have everything figured out before you start. It makes you believe that you need to be perfect before you can follow your dream. This couldn't be farther from you truth. 

You do not have to have it all figured out to follow your dream. All you have to do is START. 

Starting is the key. Starting is movement, and the amazing thing about movement is that it creates progress. You begin to figure out things along the way. You may not know how to handle every situation, but you will over time as they come up. If you keep moving forward, you will figure out all those other aspects as you learn and become more experienced. Nobody has it all figured out before they start. In fact, it's near impossible to figure it all out before you start. 

So how does this apply to mixing? Well, mixing is very similar. Often times mix engineers get bogged down in fear. They are afraid they aren't a good enough engineer to charge or that they don't know enough to make good mixes. The ironic thing is that often times these fears keep you from actually working, and therefore they become self-fulfilling prophecy because you won't actually get any better unless you do work. 

There's a great book called Start: Punch Fear in the Face by Jon Acuff. I really recommend it. He goes into further detail on these fears and how we can overcome them. 

Next time fear pops up, remember to simply just start. You will figure out everything else along the way. 

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